Star Wars

an American epic space multimedia franchise created by George Lucas

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Why Star Wars?

Why is Star Wars so great?

Much of the success of the Star Wars franchise is due to its story. On the surface, the Star Wars story premise is that of the classic conflict of good versus evil. Within this core shell of a story; however, there are several interwoven themes and subplots.

Why so many of us enjoy Star Wars isn't just from the story, it's from the experience you get from watching the movies. The Star Wars universe contains laser guns, spaceships, secret organizations that stretch back millennia and monsters that both frighten and entertain. It's also the memorable characters and heart-wrenching plots in each movie. if you're looking for something as inspirational as it is action-packed, then I'd recommend watching Star Wars!


My favorite Star Wars movies

Star Wars New Hope Movie Poster

Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV)

Nineteen years after the formation of the Empire, Luke Skywalker is thrust into the struggle of the Rebel Alliance when he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has lived for years in seclusion on the desert planet of Tatooine. Obi-Wan begins Luke's Jedi training as Luke joins him on a daring mission to rescue the beautiful Rebel leader Princess Leia from the clutches of Darth Vader and the evil Empire.


May 25, 1977

What I liked about it:

It's the first Star Wars movie created and it's all about Luke Skywalker embarking on the hero's journey and embracing his destiny, becoming the galaxy's "new hope."

Star Wars  Empire Strikes Back Movie Poster

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V)

After the destruction of the Death Star, Imperial forces continue to pursue the Rebels. After the Rebellion's defeat on the ice planet Hoth, Luke journeys to the planet Dagobah to train with Jedi Master Yoda, who has lived in hiding since the fall of the Republic. In an attempt to convert Luke to the dark side, Darth Vader lures young Skywalker into a trap in the Cloud City of Bespin.


May 21, 1980

What I liked about it:

This movie provides an accurate depiction of politics, a dictatorship, romance, and how it all comes together to support a hero's journey. It also shows Luke's training as a Jedi.

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Movie Poster

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Episode III)

Years after the Clone Wars, the noble Jedi Knights lead a massive clone army into a galaxy-wide battle against the Separatists. When the sinister Sith unveil a thousand-year-old plot to rule the galaxy, the Republic crumbles and from its ashes rises the evil Galactic Empire. Jedi hero Anakin Skywalker is seduced by the dark side of the Force to become the Emperor's new apprentice - Darth Vader.


May 19, 2005

What I liked about it:

From a duel between an old politician and a short green alien to a massive droid attack on Chewbacca's home planet, there's so much to experience in Revenge of the Sith that isn't found in the other movies.

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